Modeling & Testing

  • Selfie Modeling

    We send you an Aqua Underwear garment in exchange for a few high quality selfies! Generally reimbursement based, and compensated with another Aqua Underwear garment or humble cash offering.

    Photos are used for product listings, advertising, and to widen representation of BIPOC in Aqua Undies. Exclusive to QTIBIPOC & BIPOC.

    Selfie Model Interest Form

  • Professional Photoshoot

    We plan one or two professional photo shoots each year. For these shoots, models keep underwear they model (1-3 pairs) and are compensated with an additional pair of underwear or the equivalent cash value.

    Photo shoots last from 2-3 hours and require some pre-planning with us. Exclusive to BIPOC and Salt Lake area residents.

    Photoshoot Interest Form

    Photoshoot Agreement Form (example)

  • Testing

    We’re always testing new sizes, designs or add-ons and would love your help! In exchange for another garment or humble cash compensation, you give us timely feedback and confidential fit photos. Open to everyone, though BIPOC and Salt Lake City locals prioritized.

    We could currently use more testers for:

    • Boxer briefs sizes 56 and up

    • Packing boxer brief sizes 52 and up

    • Boxer briefs with pad compatibility sizes 45 and up

    • Compression brief sizes 42 and up

    • Crop tops sizes 3X and up

    Tester Interest Form